Welcome to the Landlord and Tenant Address Portal – Landlord TAP
Landlord TAP is an easy to use website that allows Landlords and Managing Agents, of residential properties in England & Wales, to provide water companies with details of those responsible for the payment of water and/or sewerage charges for their tenanted properties.
Instead of needing to pick up the phone, or write to your water company, once you are registered, you may use the forms on this web site to provide the required information. This information is then passed to the relevant water company automatically, and you will receive a unique transaction receipt reference for your records.
This web site allows you to:
- Add new properties to your portfolio
- Tell us about changes of tenancy and changes to tenant’s details
- Let us know when a property becomes empty
- Inform us if you sell or no longer manage the property
To start using Landlord TAP please register by clicking on the button below. If you have already registered please login to access your portfolio.
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About Us
Landlord TAP Ltd is a company established by Water UK in order to develop a single national website to make it easy for landlords and managing agents to provide information to water and sewerage companies relating to tenants who are liable for water charges at their properties.